The Journey of Unemployment

Now that I am on month 2, I’ve finally decided to go through with trying to document my slow descent into insanity.

Week one of unemployment was angry.  I had been working as a temp and understand fully that I could be laid off at anytime.  I was caught off guard by the news for two big reasons.  1) Earlier that week I had received an email telling me that I would be trained on something new.  This shockingly gave me the idea that I would continue to be employed for at least another week.  2) My supervisor dropped the bomb through an email.  I returned to my desk after an arduous morning of moving files around to see an  email titled “Thank you.”  At first I thought it was about informing my supervisor about some broken file cabinets, but I soon found the words regretting to inform me that the next day would be my final day.  From that moment what little respect I had for my supervisor as a person washed away with a wave of fury and fear.  An email?  Really?  Despite the advancements of technology, doesn’t informing a person that they will now be facing the task of finding gainful employment in the worst job market in 25 years in less than 24 hours warrant at least an in person explanation?

After the anger subsided, I felt a new excitement.  Here was a time for me to figure out how to get a job better suited to me.  I had all the confidence in the world that it would work out and in a month or two I would be back in the working world and be a productive member of society.  Two months, two interviews and countless resumes and cover letters later, I am no closer to a job than I was on March 20th, when I was laid off.  Frustration and depression have set in and I am now confused about where to take my life.  I don’t know much, but stay tuned as I try to wiggle my way through the algae infested waters of my life.

~ by paniroza on May 18, 2009.

One Response to “The Journey of Unemployment”

  1. I think a road trip is the perfect solution.

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